Facing the Giants

Facing the Giants

Pastor Elias Ozuna Sermon Notes 08-04-19
Facing the Giants

Main Point: Facing the Giants is part of our journey that leads to signs and wonders and living a life of victory in Jesus name.

Did David see a Giant?
-David never saw defeat.
-David could only see God bringing the victory.

Scripture: The story of the 12 Spies.
Numbers 13:17-33. The 12 spies indeed saw a land flowing with milk and honey. Did the spies see a Giant? Absolutely

Exodus 3:17. – Moses had no doubt the land flowing with milk and honey was going to come to pass.

Pastors Thoughts:
-It is imperative you have faith and never let any circumstance (or giant) shake your faith.
-God will keep his promises
-Fear will steal your victory, so don’t be afraid of facing the giants


Numbers 14:1-12. The children of Israel let fear blind their faith. Don’t let fear blind your faith. What God has spoken will come to pass.

If God needs to supernaturally intervene, he will.

Numbers 14:20-24. So God did not allow the doubters and the fearful enter into the promise land but Caleb, who believed in God’s promise and was not afraid to face the giants, inherited the promise land.

Facing the Giants is an act of Faith!!!!!

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