Embrace the Change

Pastor Elias Ozuna Sermon Notes 04-05-20
Embrace the Change

Main Point: Embrace the change around you and continue to find ways to give glory to God no matter what situation you are in. Find God’s will in all circumstances.

Pastor’s thoughts:
There are two kinds of changes that can happen in our lives.
First, is the kind of change we have control over. For example, when we decide to lose weight we make a change.
Second, there is the kind of change that we have no control over like a coronavirus pandemic.

The first one can be hard but is less stressful but the second one can really create stress and anxiety.

Allow me to propose a cure for stress and anxiety. “Embrace the change”.
Embrace the change and find God’s will in it.

Story of Job:
Job 1:1-4. Job was in the perfect situation, with a perfect family. Then everything fell apart. He loses his family/health.
Job 1:19-22. Job was hit with tragedy and Job did not blame God.

But one day in Job 42:1-6, after God explains to Job that his power is unmeasurable Job finally stops asking questions and just submits.

Pastor’s thoughts:
-I believe God is speaking to the church during this pandemic. Don’t ask question, just submit to the authority of God and trust him.

In Conclusion:
Listen carefully to this treasure. If we repent for questioning God, blessings are coming. Embrace the change.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Thank Lord for your word.

  2. Thank Lord for your word.

  3. Thank Lord for your word.

  4. Amen, the Lord Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever, may the Lord bless you and family and your ministry which God has given you

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