Get Ready for Impact

Get Ready for Impact

Pastor Elias Ozuna Sermon Notes 11-04-18
Get Ready for Impact

Main Point: God’s faithful people will always impact/influence things around them for Righteousness. So get ready.

What do I mean impact? Get ready to make a difference. To impact people’s lives for Jesus. Everyone is uniquely equipped to make an impact.

Enemy understand your potential:
John 10:10. The enemy comes to steal kill and destroy.
1 John 3:8. Satan is the author of sin and tricks us into sin. For this reason Jesus appeared to destroy the works of Satan.

Your trials and tribulations and stress and anxiety are a product of the enemy keeping you focused on the things that are temporary.

How to get ready for impact? Daniel 6:1-28
1. Pray/scriptures/worship is the foundation that must be real. This hast to be a fact in your life or you will wonder in the wilderness.
2. Expect the enemy to plot against you like they plotted against Daniel. Always remember, God wins.
3. Expect valleys and trials like Daniel had in the lion’s den. But never doubt God is in control.
4. Expect God to intervene (show up). God will not allow his faithful servant to ever be defeated by the enemy. Psalm 55:22, Isaiah 43:2
5. Expect God to turn darkness into light. Daniel dark situation in the lion’s den, ended up with all the kingdom recognizing that Daniel’s God was the true living God.

Lesson learned: God’s faithful people will always impact/influence things around them for Righteousness. So get ready.

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