Not Perfect but Available for Service

Not Perfect but Available for Service

Pastor Elias Ozuna Sermon Notes 11-17-19
Main Point: Since God is our way maker we don’t have to be perfect we just need to make an impact. Not perfect but available for service.

Pastor’s thoughts:
*It is a lie of the enemy that we are not good enough or righteous enough to be used by God.
*The enemy is the author of lies and deception.
*In order to deceive people there has to be an element of truth. Mainly deceptive truth. Like when Satan told Eve she would be as a god.

Genesis 3:1-5. The enemy deceived Eve with an element of truth that led to death.

Paul believed a deceptive lie from the enemy.
Galatians 1:11-24. Paul persecuted the Church of Jesus Christ because of the deceptive lies of the enemy but God always has the last say. God is in control and will lead his church to victory in Jesus name.

The deceptive lie of the enemy that attempts to keep Christians powerless and ineffective to impact lives:

-God can’t use you because you aren’t ready, you’re not righteous enough, not refined enough.
-That is a deceptive lie that only tells a little bit of truth. The real truth is that we are not good enough but Jesus who lives in us is righteous enough.
-So don’t let anything stop you from praying for people or giving people an encouraging word or using your gifts (in an orderly fashion, of course) for God.

God is not looking for perfect people, He is looking for people willing to be perfected.

Not perfect but available for service.

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