Things are Not Always as they Seem

Things are Not Always as they Seem

Pastor Elias Ozuna Sermon Notes 03-31-19
Time to Grow pt6. Things are not always as they seem

Growing into Spiritual Maturity. Lessons learned so far:
1. Quarreling shows immaturity.
2. God is a God of Order – Honor Authority.
3. God uniquely works with us. Sin is not always the same for all.
4. God gives us freedom to grow into Spiritual Maturity.
5. A peacemaker shows spiritual maturity.
6. Things are not always as they seem.

Main Point: Spiritual Growth and maturity recognizes God’s potential in difficult circumstances because things are not always as they seem.

Our best example that shows things are not always as they seem is from our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Matthew 27:32-56. When Jesus died the disciples were confused. If they were understanding what Jesus was teaching them they would have been waiting with excitement for his return. Things are not always as they seem.
Mark 16:9-20. Jesus rebukes the disciples for not believing that he would rise again.

**The story is never over until God says it is over.

Another example that shows things are not always as they seem is the story of David.
Samuel 16:4-13. David’s father hesitated to bring David before Samuel because he was the youngest and seemed the least likely to be called by God to do great things. However, things are not always as they seem.

God does not look at the outward appearance, he sees people’s heart.
Can you see God’s potential in your circumstances?
Can you see God’s potential in using you to do amazing things?

It’s time to see things God’s way!!!!

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