We Need A Move Part 7- Reverse the Trend

We Need A Move Part 7- Reverse the Trend

Pastor Elias Ozuna Sermon Notes 10-20-19
Main Point: We need a move of God. It’s time to reverse the trend of Godlessness in our communities.

*A pew research study show that 66% of Americans say they are of Christian Faith. This is down by 12 percentage points over the last 10 years (78%). 84% of Baby Boomers say they are Christian and 49% of Millennials say they are Christians. Church we need a move.

What the world needs to see is something real. Series Recap
1.Understanding historical revivals. Expect God will move.
2.Repented Hearts in the church
3.Desire for Righteousness to prevail in the world in the church
4.Utilizing spiritual gifts under the power of th/e Holy Spirit in the church
5.Allowing the fruits of the spirit to grow in the hearts of the church
6.Heart of Forgiveness and be slow the judge others in the church

Scriptures on reversing the trend:
John 3:16. Everything changed when Jesus chose to die for all mankind. Hope was established
Matthew 16:13-20. Jesus made it known that he was the messiah and the gates of hell will not prevail.
Acts 2:1-11. The first miracle in the name of Jesus, reversed the trend. We are the instruments of God almighty.
2 Corinthians 5: 17-21. We are new in Christ and we are now ambassadors for Christ.

Pastor’s Thoughts:
•We need a move and God will use us as his instruments to show the world God’s Glory. Jesus left heaven to die for our sins and now we are left to be the ambassadors to show God’s Glory and Love to the world.
•We can’t change to world by ourselves, but we can be ready to be used by God.
•We can reverse the trend of Godlessness in the world by beginning with our own hearts.
•We are the Laborers God will use us for the plentiful harvest.
Matthew 9:36-38.

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