Your Steps Ordered By God - Part 2

Jun 23, 2024    Elias Ozuna

Main Point: God loves you and for all who have a heart for God your steps are ordered by God in the good times and bad. Trust God in all things.

Foundation Scripture:  Psalms 27:23-24. 

God sees the heart

Your steps are ordered by God

In the good times and bad.

Pastor Thoughts:

God Knows You

God wants the best for you

God knows what is best for you. He designed you.

All things that come from God are designed for your good.

Even the things you don’t understand Romans 8:28. 

ALL THINGS work together for good.

Trust God in all things.

Trust that God loves You and His Ways are Better than our ways

Isaiah 55:8-9.  God’s ways are higher than our ways.

Job 38:1-12.  God is in control. God is Love, Justice, and Righteousness. Trust Him in all things.

Pastors Thoughts:

God is the creator designer of all things.

God created mankind to be in relationship with him. Jesus is the bridge from sin to righteousness.

Your steps, the blessed destiny God has for you requires your surrender.

The steps God has for you will bring good blessings to you and for the Kingdom of God (God can handle it-His ways are way higher than our ways)

A genuine heart will find its way into God’s perfect will.