Taking Spiritual Ground - Part 9

Mar 6, 2022    Elias Ozuna

Main Point: In 2022, take spiritual ground for God’s Kingdom. It’s time.

Scriptures on God’s timing

2 Peter 3:8-9. God’s timing is perfect. Be patient and trust that God’s timing is best for the Kingdom of God.

Psalm 127: 1.  When man acts without God, it is in vain. 

John 11: 1-46.  Jesus was not late. His timing was perfect. Even what seems dead comes to life when Jesus is in it.

Pastor’s Thoughts:

It’s time.

Prophetic word was given that HCC was going to be a lighthouse for this community. I believe it is time.

Today is a ‘launching pad’ day for HCC to fulfill prophecy and become a lighthouse for God’s Kingdom.