Christmas Series - Part 2 - Divine Intervention
Main Point: God has shown in the scripture and even in our lives today, that He is a God of divine intervention.
God will supernaturally intervene in your life to advance His Kingdom.
Christmas Series:
Part 1: Jesus the Solution
Jesus is the solution to the sin problem caused by Adam & Eve.
Jesus is our redeemer.
Jesus, our redeemer lives
Part 2: Divine Intervention
God is not confused by our circumstances or our trials.
God will intervene in your circumstance to enhance His Kingdom.
Not to enhance your ‘Kingdom’
Biblical Examples of Divine Intervention:
Jesus. God incarnate sent to dwell among men. The Solution.
Noah’s Ark
The 10 plagues
Walls of Jericho came down
The 3 Hebrew boys
Road to Damascus. Saul converted to Paul the Apostle
Pastor’s Thoughts:
These are all examples, and there are many more, of Divine Intervention.
God will intervene in your life to enhance His Kingdom.
A Christian that diligently seeks God will encounter divine intervention. Hebrews 11:6.
Divine Intervention: The Christmas Story.
Matthew 1:18-25. Mary & Joseph.
God’s plan of salvation became real in the flesh through divine intervention through Mary resulting in giving birth to the Son of God. John 3:16.
Pastor’s Thoughts:
It is one thing for a prophetic word or prophetic scripture to be spoken, it is another thing for that word to become real in the flesh.
All of God’s promises will become real in the flesh
All of God’s promises to you, whether through a prophetic word or God’s written word, will become real in the flesh according to God’s purposes, not ours.
Expect God to intervene on your behalf to enhance His Kingdom.
Divine intervention is supernatural intervention