Christmas 2018- God With Us

Dec 23, 2018    Elias Ozuna

Main Point: Christmas is a reminder that God, the creator of all, is with us. 

Philippians 2:10-11. Even those that don’t believe will one day bow and confess the Jesus is Lord.

Philippians 2:5-11. Jesus left the glory of heaven to come to earth to become like us and to be with us. In other words: God with us.

The story of Jesus birth: Luke 2:1-20.

We don’t celebrate Christmas because a baby was born. We celebrate Christmas because the King of Kings and Lord of Lords was born among mankind. God with us.

John 1:1-18. Jesus Christ as God walked among us. That is why we celebrate Christmas. It is because the WORD of God became flesh in the person of Jesus Christ.

God is in Control:

Isaiah 7:14. The Prophecy of a birth that would signify that God is with us was written approximately 800 years before Christ birth. Emmanuel means God with us.

From the Fall of Adam and Eve, thru the Flood and Noah’s ark, thru the Birth and resurrection of Jesus Christ and thru the return of Jesus Christ described in the book of revelations: God is in control and God is with us.

Jesus left everything to be born and die so we can have everything.

As you celebrate with your family this Christmas season do not forget God is with us.