We Will Advance Totally Dependent on Jesus - Part 1

Jan 7, 2024    Elias Ozuna

Main Point: In 2024, we will Advance Totally Dependent on Jesus. When we are totally dependent on Jesus we will see a supernatural advancement of Gods Kingdom in our lives, our church, our city, etc…

Totally dependent on Jesus. 

Not on our skills and abilities. Only Jesus. 

Not on our wisdom or knowledge. Only Jesus

Not on our understanding. Only Jesus.

Every miracle needed, every lost soul we are praying for, every unanswered prayer; every hurt; every stronghold that needs to be broken.

We are totally dependent on Jesus and in the Power found in His name.

Moses Totally Dependent on God:

Exodus 33:12-15.  Moses understood he was totally dependent on God and did not want to take a step without God being with him.

The Children of Israel advanced into the promise land.

Esther Totally Dependent on God:

Esther 4:16. Esther understood that her decision to approach the King meant her life was totally dependent on God.

The Children of Israel advanced into God’s perfect plan.

Peter Totally Dependent on Jesus:

Acts 16:23-34.  Peter and Silas were totally dependent on Jesus for their life.

Peter advanced into God’s perfect will and many souls were saved.

Lazarus and his family totally Dependent on Jesus:

John 11:38-46.  Lazarus and his family and friends thought it was too late but Jesus is never late. 

Even death had to bow at the name of Jesus.

Jesus advanced into his destiny and rose from the dead to redeem the world from sin.

Pastor’s thoughts:

Even if you think it is too late; it is never over until God says it’s over. Be totally dependent on Jesus.

And as we advance God’s Kingdom in our lives, in our church, in our families in 2024; it will be because we are trusting and totally dependent on Jesus and in the Power found in His name.

I believe this year, 2024, we are going to see God do some extraordinary, supernatural, things. 

The ground work has been laid down and if God’s people are ready to be totally dependent on Jesus, 

Then 2024 will be a year of supernatural advancement of righteousness in our city, our region, our families

I’m expecting God to do big things in your life, in our church, in our city, in the RGV.

The only thing we have to make sure of to see God’s Kingdom advanced supernaturally is to make sure we are totally dependent on Jesus.

How? Build off of 2023. 

True Praise and Worship of King Jesus

Find and protect your secret place with God

In 2024 add.

Your commitment to be totally dependent on Jesus in all things in 2024

The more you fall in love with Jesus the easier it is.