Jesus the Cornerstone: Are You Ready?

Sep 24, 2023    Elias Ozuna

Main Point: Jesus is the Cornerstone of the empowered Christian Life. Make sure you are ready for His Return by putting Jesus first in all you do.

Jesus is the only way:

John 14:6. Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life

Make sure you know God:

Matthew 7:21-27.  Jesus said to build our house/hearts upon his word.

Do whatever it takes to grow in spirit and in truth (prayer, worship, word, giving, serving)

Don’t just know of God make sure you know God.

Jesus is King and will return

Matthew 24:32-51. Jesus will return as King for His people/church

Jesus will return as a thief in the night

No one knows the exact timing but we must always be ready by making sure Jesus is our cornerstone.

Be ready:

Matthew 25:1-13.  Make sure Jesus is the cornerstone of your life. 

Make room for Jesus in your life

Make sure you have time for Jesus in your life

Make sure you know Jesus as King as friend.

Make sure to put yourself in situations to experience Jesus

Pastor’s thoughts:

What secular things should we give up for Jesus? Answer. Have no other God’s before Him.

(Secular music, movies, etc….)

It’s time to make sure we are ready for Christ’s return. 

Make sure Jesus is your cornerstone in all that you do in life.


Jesus will return for the church that He Loves

The people who are active in putting Jesus first in their lives will know the season

Jesus Christ must be the cornerstone of all we do. Of who we are.

When Jesus is truly the cornerstone, you will never fall. 

Be intentional about making Jesus the cornerstone of your life.

Have no other gods before him

Jesus is coming soon to conquer sin and unrighteousness in the world

Make sure Jesus is your cornerstone and be ready for His return.