Trust: God’s Word - Part 6

Sep 1, 2024    Elias Ozuna

Series Recap

Trust1 the Big Picture:

Trust2: Plant and Water

Trust3: Go With Power

Trust4: God’s promises never die

Trust5: It only Gets Better

Trust6: God’s Word

Main Point: Trust the Word of God (Holy Bible) and know that His promises can be trusted.

What the Bible says about Gods’ Word:

2 Timothy 3:16-17.  The Holy Scriptures is breathed out by God unto us that we may complete and equipped for every good work.

Psalm 119:105.  God’s word is a lamp unto our feet

John 1:1. The word of God is the beginning and the end of truth.

Isaiah 40:8. The grass withers and the flowers fade but the word of our God will last forever.

Luke 11:28. Hear the word of God and keep it and blessings are His promise.

The promises made in the written Holy Word of God

Life – Matthew 16-24-25.  Eternal life is found in surrounding to Jesus as our Lord and Savior.

You find life when you stop pursuing it for yourself and pursue God’s purpose which is why you were created.

Acceptance – John 6:37. Jesus will never reject you if you seek him. 

Seek and you shall find. Knock and the door will be Open.

Reward – Mark 10:29-31.  Those who sacrifice to follow Jesus will receive rewards on earth and for the age to come.

Those who are patient in trials and tribulations will see great rewards

Following Jesus requires sacrifice. There are times when the immediate benefit of going our own way may appear to outweigh the potential gains of obedience. Jesus wants us to know that our sacrifices aren’t in vain and there’s nothing we can surrender that exceeds what’s attained in following him.

Revelation – John 14:21. Obeying God’s word leads to God revealing himself to you personally. 

Jesus promises us that, when we obey him, he will manifest himself to us.

Friendship with God – John 15:14-15.  Jesus call us friend

Joy - John 15:9-11. Joy comes from knowing Jesus by the leading of the Holy Spirit. 

Jesus promises us that joy is a byproduct of remaining in God’s love.

Trials – 2 Timothy 3:12.  Trials are part of the Christian journey that leads into breakthrough and victory. 

Matthew 5:10-11.  Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness.


Gods word is truth and the truth will set us free. Trust

God’s word shows us that the peace and joy and acceptance and reward the world is looking for is found in the name of Jesus Christ. Trust

Trust God’s Word

Trust God in all things: