Trust: God’s Promises Never Die - Part 4

Aug 18, 2024    Elias Ozuna

Main Point: Let your hope arise. God’s promises never die so let God’s people abound in hope.

Promise of Redemption/Salvation

John 3:16. God promises eternal life for all who call Jesus’ savior and Lord.

Promise of Power from the Holy Spirit

Acts 1:8. Christians are destined to be empowered by the Holy Spirit to accomplish the great plans God has for each one of us.

Pastor’s Thoughts:

The Key to being empowered by the Holy Spirit is our willingness to surrender our ways and allow God to fill us with his ways by the Holy Spirit.

The secret place (a place where you and God are alone) is a good place to know God and be filled by his Spirit. 

The alter is a good place to surrender unto God and be filled by his Spirit

Do not be afraid to surrender unto God’s will. 

It is in surrender that you find freedom to walk into your true Destiny.

There is only one true destiny. That is in the will of God for your life.

Promise of Peace and joy through the Christian journey

Romans 15:13. When God fills you with joy and peace by the Holy Spirit, you abound in hope.

John 14:27. Jesus informs his disciples that Peace that the world does not comprehend will be with them.

Promise of God’s Glory manifested thru Instruments like us.

1 Corinthians 1:27. God chose the weak things of this world to show those who think there strong the truth of God.

2 Corinthians 12:9. God’s power is made perfect thru weak/flawed instruments who are surrendered to God.

Your mistakes and weaknesses cannot stop God’s promise of redemption and peace and joy.

1 John 1:9. If we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us.

Pastor’s Thoughts:

Why is it just for God to forgive us of our sins? Because the sinless blood of Jesus covers our sins. 

If God planned a way thru Jesus for us to be forgiven, why would he stop there? Next step is for Christians who are forgiven by the blood of the Lamb to be empowered ambassadors for God’s Kingdom.

That’s why we praise him.

God’s promises never die.

The deal is still on. Abraham and Sarah, even after all their mistakes; God fulfilled his promise to them.

And if God needs to do signs and wonders to fulfill his promise. He will show you a miracle.