Don’t Lose Your Passion Part 6

Don’t Lose Your Passion Part 6

Pastor Elias Ozuna Sermon Notes 06-23-19
Don’t Lose Your Passion pt6.

-Let’s never lose our passion to pray.
-Prayer is a powerful weapon we have to see God’s hand move in our lives.

Main Point: Passion to Pray to our loving God is what we need to see the hand of God make a way where there seems to be no way.

We just have to believe all things are possible. The bible says.

Matthew 17:14-20: In Verse 17 I sense a bit of frustration in Jesus toward the disciples about their lack of faith.
If we have faith the size of a mustard seed we will see God’s power move with signs and wonders. Not for the sake of chasing signs and wonders but for the sake of demonstrating God’s power so others can come to know the salvation of the Lord.

Scriptures about asking and receiving.
John 14: 12-14. Whatever we ask in the name of Jesus will be done to glorify God.
Mark 11:22-26. Whenever you want God to intervene on your behalf the bible says pray, believe it is done and you will see it done.

Why does it seem like some prayers don’t get answered?
Mark 11:25-26. Don’t hold bitterness and unforgiveness because these actions hold back the answer to prayer.
James 4:3. Don’t ask selfishly because these prayers don’t get answered.

Remove all barriers to answered prayer and expect signs and wonders in your life.

Ask and you shall receive is not a statement of hope it is a declarative statement.

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