Step Out to Find Out

Step Out to Find Out

Pastor Elias Ozuna Sermon Notes 04-14-19
Step Out to Find Out

Main Point: Don’t be afraid to step of your comfort zone, you will find your destiny there. It is an amazing destiny.

The story of Palm Sunday:
Matthew 21:1-11. There was excitement in the air. Word was getting out that Jesus was doing amazing things.

From Hosanna to crucify him. What happened?
To the disciples this was chaos but to God the Father all was in control.
Romans 8:28.All things work together for good for those who are in Christ Jesus.

Jesus started his ministry alone with the Father in the wilderness.
We are called to minister (serve others); we need time alone with God.
Philippians 4:19. God supplies our needs according to his riches in glory.

Matthew 4:1-11. Enemy tempted Jesus in 3 ways to stop him.
Tempted Jesus to meet his physical need of hunger
Requested he prove God would save him if jumped over the cliff
Offered rule over the Kingdoms of the earth in the carnal

Jesus made a decision that day to reject carnal temptation and step out of the wilderness and find out what the father had planned for him.

Matthew 14:22-33. Step out to find out the amazing plans God has for you.

Two main lessons of this bible story.
Always keep your eyes on Jesus no matter how stormy life gets.
You won’t find out what you are made of until you step out

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