Your Steps Ordered By God - Part 1
June 16th, 2024
God loves you and for all who have a heart for God your steps are ordered by God in the good times and bad......  Read More
by Elias Ozuna
God Knows You
June 9th, 2024
God Knows You.  No matter what we see with our eyes, the fact that God knows us and loves us and wants the best for us never changes......  Read More
by Elias Ozuna
Living in Mercy and Grace
May 26th, 2024
Right now, at this very moment we are living in mercy and grace.  God loves us and God always comes from a place of Love as He distributes mercy and grace to us and our loved ones......  Read More
by Elias Ozuna
Pursue Jesus - Part 5 - Worthy of it All
May 19th, 2024
Not only is Jesus all powerful and all loving and all justice and all righteousness.  Jesus is also Humble, a servant, and a King.  That is why he is worth of it all......  Read More
by Elias Ozuna
Pursue Jesus - Part 4 - Never Hopeless
May 12th, 2024
Pursue more of Jesus in your life.  When Jesus is Lord and Savior of our lives we are “Never Hopeless”......  Read More
by Elias Ozuna
Pursue Jesus - Part 3 - Jesus Has all Authority
May 5th, 2024
Jesus has all authority and has chosen sinners such as us to be instruments of power and authority to bring Glory the Kingdom of God......  Read More
by Elias Ozuna
Pursue Jesus - Part 2 - Jesus Has all the Power
April 28th, 2024
Pursue Jesus who has all dominion and power and is our defender.  Be totally dependent on Jesus and pursue him in all things......  Read More
by Elias Ozuna
Pursue Jesus - Part 1 - Be Sanctified
April 21st, 2024
Pursue Jesus and be sanctified by the work of the Holy Spirit.  Pursuing Jesus will lead to breakthrough and freedom from the carnal things of this world......  Read More
by Elias Ozuna
Having a Heart of Repentance
April 7th, 2024
It is a fact that God loves us, but He needs us to have a heart of repentance. He looks at our heart......  Read More
by Eloy Peña
Easter - The Empty Tomb
March 31st, 2024
We celebrate Easter because the tomb is Empty.  Jesus is King of Kings so we choose to live according to God’s will not man’s will......  Read More
by Elias Ozuna
The Task: Jesus is Enough
March 24th, 2024
The Task is to Advance His Kingdom, totally dependent on Jesus.  Think of ways you can Advance God’s Kingdom using your abilities and skills.  What motivates Christian to do the task?  Jesus is enough...  Read More
by Elias Ozuna
Hearing God’s Voice - Part 3 - Surrender
March 10th, 2024
Hearing God’s voice requires a willingness to surrender to God’s will and plan for your life......  Read More
by Elias Ozuna