Freedom to Produce Fruit
September 17th, 2023
Jesus has set us free from sin and unrighteousness.  Walk in freedom and you will produce fruit unto holiness......  Read More
by Elias Ozuna
When Troubles Come – Trust and Endure
September 10th, 2023
The Christian life is not absent of struggle, it is a promise that in your season of struggle God will give you the strength to be victorious....  Read More
by Samuel Lopez
The Action of Love
September 3rd, 2023
Jesus loves the church.  The church belongs to Jesus.  A church that loves Jesus keeps his commandments......  Read More
by Elias Ozuna
Jesus the Defender
August 27th, 2023
Jesus loves the church; for he died for it.  As we pray, praise and worship in spirit and in truth King Jesus will do whatever he wants to defend the faith......  Read More
by Elias Ozuna
Humility Matters
August 13th, 2023
Jesus set the example on humility.  It is humility that opens the door for spiritual growth.  Humility leads to serving others and serving others is greatness in God’s Kingdom......  Read More
by Elias Ozuna
This Time it’s Different
August 6th, 2023
Just like Peter evolved from excitement that Jesus is Lord into a passionate servant of the Lord, serving others and feeding and loving the sheep, we must also evolve into becoming a passionate servan...  Read More
by Elias Ozuna
Spiritual Warfare – Prodigals
July 30th, 2023
The enemy wants Christians to stay inactive and lose hope on revival and the prodigals.  God wants us to see what He sees and that is the hand of God interceding for us and our loved ones......  Read More
by Elias Ozuna
Spiritual Warfare – Surrender
July 23rd, 2023
God’s people must check their hearts and ensure it is surrendered to God.  When our hearts are surrendered to God, then we will see clearly and advance the Kingdom of God for righteousness in Spiritua...  Read More
by Elias Ozuna
Spiritual Warfare – Defend this Holy Ground
July 16th, 2023
Let the church arise and fight to defend this Holy Ground......  Read More
by Elias Ozuna
Glory Days
July 9th, 2023
If we truly want to see King Jesus praised, it is time for the church to begin living in the glory days. The days of glorifying God with our lives, our worship, and going further to experience His Glo...  Read More
by Michelle Ruiz
Spiritual Warfare – The Last Days
July 2nd, 2023
Staying close to Jesus in prayer and praise and worship is the key victory no matter what fiery darts the enemy tries to throw at the Saints.  Jesus is our refuge and Jesus wins......  Read More
by Elias Ozuna
June 18th, 2023
After a week of camp, being with other believers wanting to encounter God’s presence, I always feel this sense of peace and freedom and joy because in God’s presence there is freedom......  Read More
by Elias Ozuna