Your Steps Ordered By God - Part 2

Main Point:  God loves you and for all who have a heart for God your steps are ordered by God in the good times and bad.  Trust God in all things.

Foundation Scripture:  Psalms 27:23-24.  
  • God sees the heart
  • Your steps are ordered by God
    • In the good times and bad.

Pastor Thoughts:
  • God Knows You
  • God wants the best for you
  • God knows what is best for you.  He designed you.
  • All things that come from God are designed for your good.
    • Even the things you don’t understand Romans 8:28.  
    • ALL THINGS work together for good.
    • Trust God in all things.

Trust that God loves You and His Ways are Better than our ways
  • Isaiah 55:8-9.  God’s ways are higher than our ways.
  • Job 38:1-12.  God is in control.  God is Love, Justice, and Righteousness.  Trust Him in all things.

Pastors Thoughts:
  • God is the creator designer of all things.
  • God created mankind to be in relationship with him.  Jesus is the bridge from sin to righteousness.
  • Your steps, the blessed destiny God has for you requires your surrender.
  • The steps God has for you will bring good blessings to you and for the Kingdom of God (God can handle it-His ways are way higher than our ways)
  • A genuine heart will find its way into God’s perfect will.



