We will Advance Totally Dependent on Jesus - Part 2

Main Point:  In 2024, we will Advance Totally Dependent on Jesus.  Every little thing we can do to advance spiritually for God’s Kingdom is important.

God has chosen us:
Isaiah 43:6-7.  God created us for His Glory.  
  • As children of God we are destined to bring Glory to the name of Jesus.
  • As long as we have breathe in our lungs we are instruments God wants to use to bring him Glory.  
  • There are no exceptions

We are created By Him and For Him:
Colossians 1:16-17.  All things are created to bring Glory to God
  • This is why mankind is empty when they try to satisfy their hearts with sinful things. 
  • We were created by Him and for Him.

We are all important:

1 Corinthians 12:12-27.  Every one of us is as important as anyone else in the body of Christ.
  • Acts 10:34-35.  God is no respecter of person.  
    • All who fear the Lord belong to the Kingdom with rights as Sons and Daughters of the most High God.
    • God looks at the heart, not a title or position.

Do what you can to advance:

1 Peter 1:10.  Do what you can no matter how small it may seem to advance the Kingdom.
  • Invite someone to an event
  • invite someone to church
  • Invite someone to pray with you

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