King Jesus Will Be Praised in 2023 - Part 5
Main Point: King Jesus will be praised in 2023; in his presence we will find perfect peace.
Foundation Scripture:
Philippians 4:4-7. Rejoice in the Lord always because God is near. Don’t be anxious because you are promised peace that passeth all understanding. His presence will inhabit the praises of His people and you will be at peace.
Pastor’s Thoughts:
The Promise of Peace
Where’s the Peace
Peace is not found in this carnal world
Peace is our Inheritance
Foundation Scripture:
Philippians 4:4-7. Rejoice in the Lord always because God is near. Don’t be anxious because you are promised peace that passeth all understanding. His presence will inhabit the praises of His people and you will be at peace.
Pastor’s Thoughts:
- How many need peace this morning?
- How many have taken the peace promised by God?
The Promise of Peace
- If we are promised peace then why would a Christian not have peace?
- Isaiah 26:3. God will keep you in perfect peace for those whose mind is stayed on God.
- Then the reason we don’t have peace or we are having anxiety and stressed out is because our mind is on something else other than who God is.
- The truth is that if you are not redeemed or saved by the blood of Jesus; you should be worried because you are lost.
- But if you are saved and belong to the Kingdom of God and your name is written in the lambs book of life, then you should be at peace because our Lord and Savior is the prince of peace.
Where’s the Peace
- Then why are so many Christians lacking peace and over taken by anxiety.
- The answer is quite simple; it is a matter of what we are allowing our minds to focus on.
- John 16:33. In Jesus you will have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. Jesus has overcome the world so peace belongs to those whose faith is in Jesus.
- So if you are a Christian and your mind is focus on the things of this world you will not have peace. There is no peace in the world.
- But if you are a Christian and you are focusing on the things of God. Focusing on being in his presence, then you will have supernatural peace.
- It is simple conceptually but it requires us to surrender our minds to Godly things which results in a passion for His presence.
Peace is not found in this carnal world
- Romans 12:2. Do not conform to the pattern of this world. Be ye transformed by the renewing of you mind.
- If you choose not to allow your mind to be transformed toward Godly things, you will not be at peace.
Peace is our Inheritance
- As a child of God, Peace is your inheritance. Claim your rights as a child of God and be at peace.
- Take advantage of your inheritance and put yourself in situations to experience God; and in God’s presence you will find peace.
- What a treasure we have; to have peace in any circumstance.
- Our peace was purchased by the blood of the lamb, Jesus Christ.
- Don’t miss it. Don’t waste it. It is your inheritance; be at peace. Take it.
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