Unstoppable God

Main Point: Focus on your responsibility as a Christian to know God, be humble and use your gifts to love and serve others and God will handle the rest. We serve an unstoppable God.
Foundation Scripture: Acts 5:25-41. Gamaliel’s Wisdom about our Unstoppable God.
The facts of God’s Plan for mankind:
Pastors Thoughts:
Romans 12:1-21. As a Christian you are responsible to humbly live like this.
Foundation Scripture: Acts 5:25-41. Gamaliel’s Wisdom about our Unstoppable God.
- If they are of God you are going against God himself. Unstoppable God.
- Acts 22:3. Gamaliel was Saul’s mentor
The facts of God’s Plan for mankind:
- God created mankind to fellowship with Him. God Loves mankind.
- Adam and Eve sinned and were in need of redemption
- God has a plan to redeem man.
- Jesus died and rose again and for all those that receive him has Lord of their lives, they are redeemed
- Jesus will come again claim his rightful place as King of Kings and Lord of Lords of all creation.
- Nothing has stopped or will stop God’s plan to redeem man. We serve an Unstoppable God.
Pastors Thoughts:
- If nothing is going change because God’s plan is unstoppable then what are we to do?
- Your individual choices in life will not change God’s ultimate plan. God is unstoppable
- God’s will is that no one perish and God has chosen mankind to be the instrument that brings souls to his Kingdom and Glory to His Name. 2 Peter 3:9
- Simply put your responsibility as a servant of God is to Know him (secret place) and love others into the Kingdom of God using the gifts and talents God has given you empowered by the Holy Spirit.
- Focus on Godly things you can control and trust God for the big things you can’t control.
Romans 12:1-21. As a Christian you are responsible to humbly live like this.
- V1. Offer yourself a living sacrifice unto God.
- V2. You are in the process of being transformed by the renewing of your mind toward Godly things
- V3. Don’t think more highly of yourself than you ought.
- V5-8. We are all members of the body of Christ and have different Gifts to be used to edify the church
- V18. Be a peacemaker
- Our God is unstoppable
- God loves you and me
- God has a purpose for you to impact lives around you
- Focus on what you can control by the leading of the Holy Spirit.
- Peace and joy comes when we are living our lives according to God’s word.
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