
Main Point:   When we encounter the Love of Jesus and fall in love with him over and over, we are transformed to keep his commandments and to love and serve others.

How important is Jesus in your life?

Instructions from Jesus
  • John 14:15. Jesus said, if you love me keep my commandments
  • John 21:15-17.  Jesus said to peter, if you love me feed my sheep
  • John 13:6-15.  Before His crucifixion Jesus washed the disciples’ feet as an example to serve on another

Pastor’s Thoughts:
If you have been transformed by the Love of Jesus then two things should be evident:
  1. You have a conviction to defeat sin in your life (a passion for righteousness)
    • Read God’s word for direction
    • Pray for empowerment, which comes from the Holy Spirit, to overcome sin
  2. You have a conviction to feed/serve others

Analyze your heart.
  • Do you want to eliminate sin your life?
  • Do you want to help/serve others just because it pleases Jesus
    • We don’t serve others for the blessing but those who serve and love others will be blessed to overflowing.

Pastor’s Thoughts:
  • I have learned that in order for me to have passion about these two things.
    • I must praise King Jesus.  
      • Which leads to encountering his presence and love and closeness.  
      • Which leads to me falling deeper in love with Jesus.

Do you want to fall deeply in love with Jesus?  It is totally worth it.  

  • I believe this year’s theme (King Jesus will be praised), is leading us as a church to fall deeper in love with Jesus.  
  • Which will lead to a genuine presence and outpouring of God’s glory.  
  • Which leads to us falling deeper in love with Jesus.  
  • Which leads to a passion for righteousness.  
  • Which leads to us serving and loving others.  
  • Which leads to pray for revival.

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