Pursue Jesus - Part 1 - Be Sanctified

Main Point:  Pursue Jesus and be sanctified by the work of the Holy Spirit.  Pursuing Jesus will lead to breakthrough and freedom from the carnal things of this world.

Foundation Scripture: Luke 19:1-22.
  • Zacchaeus pursues Jesus 
  • Jesus responds to hearts that pursue him.
  • Do not stop pursuing Jesus.  Ever.

Find your life by losing it (Surrender to God).
 Matthew 10:39.
  • What does more surrender look like:
  • A secret Place
  • Passion to Praise and Worship God
  • Serve, Encourage, and Love Others

More surrender means more of God’s Glory manifesting through you.
  • Power and Anointing
  • Gifts of the Spirit flowing through you
  • Love flowing through you to serve others

When you pursue Jesus and accept Him as Lord and Savior you are transformed:

  • From:  A sinner lost for eternity
  • To: Right Standing before God – Righteous before God – Sanctified (Holy) before God. 
    • 1 Peter 1:15-16.  Be Holy because God is Holy

Sanctification: Being Holy Before God

  • Sanctification is definitive.  1 Corinthians 6:11. We are sanctified and justified in Jesus’ name.
  • Sanctification is progressive-ongoing (Holy Spirit leads us into truth and empower us to overcome sin).  

Something will break:
  • The pursuit of Jesus leads to breakthrough?
    • Why?  There is power in the name of Jesus
  • The pursuit of Jesus is not a one-time event.
  • Your Salvation and your journey to Sanctification does not end because you feel inadequate
  • You are who the bible says you are:  Redeemed, Righteous and Sanctified.

  • Pursue Jesus and be Sanctified
  • You are Holy because Jesus is Holy
  • Purse Jesus an

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