Love that Transforms

Main Point:  When you allow God’s love to penetrate your heart, you melt in His presence; this Love transaction transforms your heart toward Him and you will desire righteousness.

Pastor’s thoughts:
  • The purpose of human existence is to receive Love from God, then give it out to others.
  • Understanding God’s unconditional love is beautiful yet complex; we can’t completely understand it.  
  • God’s love is so overwhelming; we cannot comprehend it. 

God is Love:
  • 1 John 14:16.  God is love
  • 1 John 4:7.  Love comes from God.

Love is not……  

  • Waiting to smack you once you sin.  
  • You thinking that the more I do for God the more He loves me; this is not Love.  
  • God’s love is set.  It is consistent.  We just need to receive it into our hearts.

God loves His enemies
  • While we were yet sinners (enemies of God), God loved us, and proved it by sending His son to die for all mankind (enemies of God).
  • Romans 5:8.  While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us because of God’s Love.

God wants to fill us with His Love through the Holy Spirit.
  • Romans 5:5.  God’s love pours into our hearts by the Holy Spirit.

We must allow God’s love to penetrate our hearts.  Receive his unconditional love.
  • When we allow God to fill us with His Love, are hearts are transformed leading to closeness with God
  • Ephesians 3: 14-19.  Be rooted and grounded in God’s Love that we may be filled with all the fullness of God.

Pastor’s Thoughts:

  • When you allow God’s love to penetrate your heart, you melt in His presence; this Love transaction transforms your heart toward Him and you will desire righteousness.
  • What the church needs, what we all need is to be filled with God’s love.
  • If we allow God’s love to penetrate our hearts, we are never the same.
  • Do you want to know God?  Receive His unconditional Love
  • Do you want to be close to God?  Receive His unconditional Love
  • Do you want more of God?  Receive His unconditional Love


  • Receiving God’s love results in knowing him.  And knowing him results in the transformation of your heart.  What this world needs a transformation.

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