Your Time is Now

Foundational Scripture
Joshua 24:14-15

God wants to use you for His kingdom with the gifts He has given you
Matthew 25:14-23

God created you to do great exports for HIs Kingdom
Jeremiah 1:5-10

God used Gideon to do something amazing for the kingdom of God despite of what he saw in himself
Judges 6:11-16
Judges 7:1-7
Judges 7:22-25

John 14:12-14 " God wants to use you to do greater works because He go to do the Father's"

1 Corinthians 2:9 "No eye has seen, no ear heard what He is about to do in our lives."

Closing Thought:

I refuse to be a statistic of someone who has gone to seminar and burns out. Fufilling the call of God placed upon my life

It is my ultimate desire to fulfill the call of God




