Trust: You Are Equipped to Bring Glory to His Name - Part 7

Main Point: You are equipped by God to bring Glory to His Name.

Series Recap
➢ Trust1: the Big Picture:
➢ Trust2: Plant and Water
➢ Trust3:  Go With Power
➢ Trust4: God’s promises never die
➢ Trust5:  It only Gets Better
➢ Trust6:  God’s Word
➢ Trust7: The Conclusion:  You are equipped to bring Glory to His Name
Story of Gideon:  Only 300 needed to defeat 132,000 (1 for every 600 enemy soldiers)
Judges 7:1-8.  God has Gideon chose 300 men.
Judges 7:19-25.  God causes the Midianites to be confused and lost the battle with 300 men.
Judges 8:22-23.  Gideon refuses the man’s power that comes from victory and points everyone to be ruled by God.
  • God only needed 300 to prove that with God nothing is impossible.
  • If God is for us who can be against us (scripture)
    • Trust God no matter the circumstance.
    • You will see the victory bringing Glory to the name of Jesus
    • Always give the Glory to God for the victory.
Jesus started with 12 Disciples, then 150 in the upper room:
John 17:6-26.  Jesus prays for 12 to bring Glory to His Name.
o Gideon’s odds are nothing compared to the odds Jesus had to proclaim the good news of the gospel to billions of people.
o This prayer from Jesus shows his love for God’s chosen people. Jesus is with you.  Trust Him.
o Jesus started with a dozen and over a billion have been saved to eternal life with God.
If God is for us who can be against us
o -Trust God no matter the circumstance.
Focus on the Main Thing and let God lead you into amazing things:  Trust Him.
➢ Secret Place with God.  Prayer.
➢ True Praise and Worship:  Be determined in your heart that in this church King Jesus will be praised.
➢ Be faithful and serve others and serve your church
➢ Study the Word of God.
➢ God is with you.  Bring Glory to His Name.
God has done it before and he will do it again.  Trust and Obey.

-Series Recap
o Trust1 the Big Picture:
o Trust2: Plant and Water
o Trust3:  Go With Power
o Trust4: God’s promises never die
o Trust5:  It only Gets Better
o Trust6:  God’s Word
o Trust7: The Conclusion:  You are equipped to bring Glory to His Name

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