King Jesus Will Be Praised in 2023 - Part 3 - Urgency of the Moment

Main Point: If you understand the urgency of the moment; Praise King Jesus and get into God’s presence, then while in His presence be willing to go (to obey) to do what the Holy Spirit is showing you.
Introduction: Urgency of the moment
3 Ways to grow with intent. (Memorize these phrases)
King Jesus will be praised in 2023
Recap from Last week:
Last week we read the story of the disciples falling asleep while Jesus prayed in the garden. The disciples did not understand the urgency of the moment (they were in the flesh not the spirit).
****I believe God is tapping us on the shoulder and asking us, do we understand the urgency of the moment? ****
Urgency of the Moment
Luke 10:38-42. Mary sits at Jesus feet. The urgency of the moment was to just sit at Jesus feet because his death and resurrection was at hand.
Pastor’s Thoughts:
Do you see the Urgency of the Moment?
Will you Go
Isaiah 6:1-8: Isaiah says here I am send me…
Introduction: Urgency of the moment
- If you are aware of the urgency of the moment, then you are aware that God needs laborers;
- And we must act and find a way to impact others for God’s Kingdom.
- We must grow in faith and wisdom and knowledge.
- Review 3 steps to growth.
3 Ways to grow with intent. (Memorize these phrases)
- Run to the Cross – Sin is dealt with at the cross.
- Put yourself in situations to experience God – Be intentional about being were God is. (Church,Praise, etc)
- Don’t be afraid to get uncomfortable for God’s Kingdom – Stepping out of your comfort zone is where you will see signs and wonders.
King Jesus will be praised in 2023
- In 2023, we are focusing on #2. Put yourself in position to experience God. Praise King Jesus.
- Attend opportunities to corporately be together with other believers, like worship nights or mens/womens ministry or prayer meeting.
Recap from Last week:
Last week we read the story of the disciples falling asleep while Jesus prayed in the garden. The disciples did not understand the urgency of the moment (they were in the flesh not the spirit).
****I believe God is tapping us on the shoulder and asking us, do we understand the urgency of the moment? ****
Urgency of the Moment
Luke 10:38-42. Mary sits at Jesus feet. The urgency of the moment was to just sit at Jesus feet because his death and resurrection was at hand.
Pastor’s Thoughts:
- There comes a time when it is just time to be with King Jesus, to praise King Jesus
- The story of Mary and Martha is not a story about Martha being right or wrong. It is a story that is showing us the urgency of the moment.
- Jesus was about to sacrifice his life for all of humanity and for this moment it was appropriate to sit a Jesus feet and honor him by washing his feet.
- If Jesus was not about to be sacrificed maybe it may have been more appropriate for Mary to help Martha with the house chores.
Do you see the Urgency of the Moment?
- We are in a moment right now in this world where we need a revival.
- We need a move of God that will change the culture.
- Do you see the urgency of the moment?
- Right now in 2023, it is time to sit a Jesus feet and give him praise so that we can be in his presence.
- The more we praise King Jesus in 2023, the more we will experience his presence, the more we experience his presence, the Holy Spirit, the more we will see clearly the hand of God move in our hearts, in our families, in our church, in our community.
- This is the reason we are focusing on our 2023 theme, “King Jesus will be praised”. Because when we do this as a church from our hearts not from repetition or for religion, it will open the doors into revival, a move of God.
Will you Go
Isaiah 6:1-8: Isaiah says here I am send me…
- When Isaiah saw the glory of God, he thought he would surely die because he was a sinner standing in the presence of righteousness,
- But God in his Love and mercy and grace, has provided a way for the unclean to be purified (hot coals on our lips) so we can stand and praise God and be in his presence. For this alone, God deserves and is worthy of all our praise.
- Picture it this way. We are the temple, and as unworthy as we are, it is the blood of Jesus that cleanses us and allows us to be temples in which the glory of God and his presence can flow through.
- Once Isaiah realized that though he was unworthy and unclean, God had purified him, then Isaiah’s response was “Send me I will go”
- Do we understand the urgency of the moment?
- Let’s praise King Jesus with all we have so we can see clearly in His presence
- Let’s respond to God by saying; “yes” I will go
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