The Task: Jesus is Enough

Main Point: The Task is to Advance His Kingdom, totally dependent on Jesus. Think of ways you can Advance God’s Kingdom using your abilities and skills. What motivates Christian to do the task? Jesus is enough…
Matthew 25:14-30. God has given everyone talents and abilities to produce Kingdom tasks.
Pastor’s Thoughts:
When Jesus is enough you will:
Who will do the task?
Who will not do the task?
- God has given everyone a measure of talents (abilities, skills)
- The purpose of these talents/abilities you have is to do tasks that will advance the Kingdom of God.
- Using our talents and our abilities for our own purposes leads to results that have no Kingdom impact.
- No eternal joy, peace, fulfillment.
- Basically, a waste of time and talent because what is produced outside of God’s design purpose will die.
- But was is produced for God’s purposes will have eternal impact.
Matthew 25:14-30. God has given everyone talents and abilities to produce Kingdom tasks.
- v29. God requires the church to be productive with the talents and abilities they are given.
- v30. Those who are afraid to produce results for God’s Kingdom are in danger of being cast out into outer darkness. (work out your own salvation with fear and trembling)
Pastor’s Thoughts:
- God has a Kingdom task for you.
- It is a task that will advance His Kingdom (not ours)
- The task is not something you can do in your own strength or your own will
- The task will be accomplished by the power of the Spirit of God living in you.
- Do you want to do this task?
- What motivation do you need to do your task for God’s Kingdom
- Jesus is enough
When Jesus is enough you will:
- Check your heart… Remove Pride
- Be willing to surrender all that is contrary to the righteousness of God.
- Take action that will empower you to do the task (Be in Position to Hear from God)
- Secret Place
- Praise and Worship King Jesus
- Faithful Church attendance (Faithful tithes and offerings)
- Reading Scripture
Who will do the task?
- Not everyone who says Lord, Lord will enter into the Kingdom of God.
- Those who can honestly say, “Jesus is enough” will do the task.
- Those who are not satisfied unless they are doing the will of the father will do the task.
- Like Jesus at the cross
Who will not do the task?
- Those who are not willing to surrender all to Jesus. (drop all the bags your carrying)
- Those who want to do things their own way.
- Those who look for joy and peace outside of Jesus will not do the task.
- Jesus is enough. Let’s do the task to advance the Kingdom of God.
- It’s time for the church to produce Kingdom task to advance the Kingdom of God.
- We plant and water and God will bring the increase by the power of the Holy Spirit.
- Think of ways you can advance the Kingdom of God using your talents and abilities.
- Take action totally dependent on Jesus.
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