God’s Mercy

Main Point: God is good. His mercy and grace is immeasurable. We are here today because of God’s mercy and grace. Give thanks and praise to God for He is worthy of it all.
Pastor’s thoughts:
God’s mercy
Mercy and Grace Definitions:
Mercy – Not getting the punishment we deserve (eternal death)
Grace- A gift we don’t deserve (the gift of eternal life)
God decides how to distribute mercy:
Romans 9:14-17. It is up to God to decide how much mercy a person gets. He is the Potter we are the clay. V17. God is good and the mercy he distributes is for Kingdom purposes. So the world will know the name of the Lord.
You may not always understand God’s justice (laborer example). Just know that God is good and his justice is always righteous; because it is.
Proverbs 3:5-6: don’t lean on your own understanding in all thy ways acknowledge God and he will direct your path.
Give thanks to God for his Mercy and Grace:
Psalm 136:1. Give thanks to the Lord. The Lord is good and his mercy endures forever.
Pastor’s thoughts:
Pastor’s thoughts:
- In the last 3 weeks we covered the death and resurrection of Jesus and the importance of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
- Being filled with the Holy Spirit as often as possible is essential for spiritual growth and maturity.
- Once we are born again, we begin a journey of being perfected (more Christ like).
- An important part of this journey is to never forget what we have been saved from:
- We deserve eternal death because the bible states: (Romans 6:23) The wages of sin is death and we have all sinned. We have been saved from eternal separation from God.
- For this reason alone. Jesus is worthy to be praised and worshipped.
- Jesus simplified it this way (Luke 10:20); don’t rejoice that demons are subject to you in Jesus name but rather rejoice that your name is written in the lambs book of life.
God’s mercy
- So if we are all worthy of death why didn’t we die in our sins?
- The answer is simple. Because of God’s mercy you did not die and because of God’s grace you have been given the gift of eternal life through Jesus.
- Because you made a free will choice to accept Jesus as your salvation you now get to skip the eternal death in hell part.
- Mercy and Grace: We need to be very thankful to God for his mercy and grace. Because we all deserve eternal death but because of God’s mercy and grace we are called sons and daughters of the most high God.
Mercy and Grace Definitions:
Mercy – Not getting the punishment we deserve (eternal death)
Grace- A gift we don’t deserve (the gift of eternal life)
God decides how to distribute mercy:
Romans 9:14-17. It is up to God to decide how much mercy a person gets. He is the Potter we are the clay. V17. God is good and the mercy he distributes is for Kingdom purposes. So the world will know the name of the Lord.
You may not always understand God’s justice (laborer example). Just know that God is good and his justice is always righteous; because it is.
Proverbs 3:5-6: don’t lean on your own understanding in all thy ways acknowledge God and he will direct your path.
Give thanks to God for his Mercy and Grace:
Psalm 136:1. Give thanks to the Lord. The Lord is good and his mercy endures forever.
Pastor’s thoughts:
- This world is moving quickly into more and more unrighteousness.
- It’s time for God’s people be thankful and enter into true praise and worship so His love will pour into our Spirits
- And as God pours out his love and presence into true worshippers the result will be a lighthouse of his righteousness overtaking the darkness in this world.
- God’s mercy and grace is immeasurable.
- True praise and worship is what God deserves.
- He is worthy of it all.
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