We will Advance Totally Dependent on Jesus - Part 1

Main Point:  In 2024, we will Advance Totally Dependent on Jesus.  When we are totally dependent on Jesus we will see a supernatural advancement of Gods Kingdom in our lives, our church, our city, etc…

Totally dependent on Jesus.  
  • Not on our skills and abilities.  Only Jesus. 
  • Not on our wisdom or knowledge.  Only Jesus
  • Not on our understanding.  Only Jesus.

Every miracle needed, every lost soul we are praying for, every unanswered prayer; every hurt; every stronghold that needs to be broken.

  • We are totally dependent on Jesus and in the Power found in His name.

Moses Totally Dependent on God:
Exodus 33:12-15.  Moses understood he was totally dependent on God and did not want to take a step without God being with him.
  • The Children of Israel advanced into the promise land.

Esther Totally Dependent on God:
Esther 4:16. Esther understood that her decision to approach the King meant her life was totally dependent on God.
  • The Children of Israel advanced into God’s perfect plan.

Peter Totally Dependent on Jesus:
Acts 16:23-34.  Peter and Silas were totally dependent on Jesus for their life.
  • Peter advanced into God’s perfect will and many souls were saved.

Lazarus and his family totally Dependent on Jesus:
John 11:38-46.  Lazarus and his family and friends thought it was too late but Jesus is never late.  
  • Even death had to bow at the name of Jesus.
  • Jesus advanced into his destiny and rose from the dead to redeem the world from sin.

Pastor’s thoughts:
  • Even if you think it is too late; it is never over until God says it’s over.  Be totally dependent on Jesus.
  • And as we advance God’s Kingdom in our lives, in our church, in our families in 2024; it will be because we are trusting and totally dependent on Jesus and in the Power found in His name.
  • I believe this year, 2024, we are going to see God do some extraordinary, supernatural, things.  
    • The ground work has been laid down and if God’s people are ready to be totally dependent on Jesus, 
    • Then 2024 will be a year of supernatural advancement of righteousness in our city, our region, our families
  • I’m expecting God to do big things in your life, in our church, in our city, in the RGV.
  • The only thing we have to make sure of to see God’s Kingdom advanced supernaturally is to make sure we are totally dependent on Jesus.
  • How?  Build off of 2023.  
    • True Praise and Worship of King Jesus
    • Find and protect your secret place with God
    • In 2024 add.
    • Your commitment to be totally dependent on Jesus in all things in 2024
      • The more you fall in love with Jesus the easier it is.

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