God Understands Us - Easter 2023

Main Point:  This Easter receive God’s love because God, the creator of all things, knows us and understands us.

Jesus is God Incarnate

  • John 1:1-14.  Jesus is God.  AMEN.
  • God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit

Jesus humbles himself to redeem whosoever
Philippians 2:1-11.  
  • When Jesus was with the Father in heaven, He was in the form of God because he was God, as part of the Holy Trinity.
  • Jesus voluntarily took the form of a servant and was made in the likeness of men.
  • Jesus humbled himself and became obedient even unto death.

Example Story:
  • When a father raises a son and then sends him off to the military then to war for their country.  
    • Then the son dies at war as a hero saving others.  
    • This hurts the father but leaves the father proud and makes sure his sons name lives on.
  • The reason God understands us, is because God did exactly this so that we may have eternal live.
    • God the father sent his only begotten Son, Jesus to a war zone (battle between darkness and light)
    • In order to save lives Jesus himself died for others
    • Now, God the father is proud of his son and as vers10 says in Philippians 2:10.
John 3:16.  For God so loved the world, He sent his Son………….

Pastor’s Thoughts:
  • God understand us:
    • God created us
    • Jesus died for us
    • Like an earthly father sending his to war, God sent his son to conquer sin and death.
    • God loves us

God understands us.

  • Even to the point that God understands it when we are lonely, or feel abandoned.
  • The last thing Jesus experienced before he died on the cross.  Was loneliness, abandonment!!  
    • Let’s read it:  Matthew 27:42-51.
  • God gets us and loves us.  And the crucifixion is proof that God once us to be close to him.
  • How are you responding to this great Love?
  • When you receive God’s love and worship Him in spirit and in truth, you will be satisfied.
  • Those who have a heart for God, will find the joy and peace that everyone longs for.
  • Be hungry for more of his presence, more of his love.
  • And be ready to be transformed.  

  • Our God understands us.  
  • Receive his unconditional Love.
  • No more running away from God who Loves us and understand us.

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