God will Supply

Main Point:  God will supply all our needs according to his riches in glory.

Foundation Scripture:  Philippians 4:19.

Pastor’s Thoughts:
  • Not according to our desires or our will.  
  • Once you give that up you will begin to see signs and wonders.   
  • When we are surrendering our will and wants and comforts for what the Spirit leads is to do, that is when we will see signs and wonders.  
  • The miracles are there if you just stop seeking your will to come to pass and begin to focus on God’s will to come to pass through you.

Scripture Passage:  Philippians 4:1-20.
  • V6.  Everything to God in prayer.  When we pray to God, this is an action of faith.  God hears our prayers and as our Loving father, God begins to work on our behalf in his perfect timing and his perfect will.  Not ours.
  • V7.  When we pray and leave it with God to handle, we will have peace that passes all understanding.  Church God’s people have access to internal peace.  AMEN.
  • V8.  Focus on what is right according to Gods word (not what is wrong in this world), and the God of peace will be close, be with you.
  • V10.  Paul was thankful that the Philippians blessed him with a gift,
  • V11.  Not because Paul needed the gift but Paul had learned to be content with or without.
  • V12.  Paul recognized that his joy, peace, belonging, was independent on what this material world had to offer.  Paul was always going to be ok, because his name was written in the lamb’s book of life.
    • Paul was totally dependent on the Holy Spirit to guide him and teach him all truth.  Paul did not have the written New Testament word like you and I have.  Paul depended on the Holy Spirit to guide him.  We also need to be dependent on the Holy Spirit to guide us, as well as reveal the truth in God’s word.
  • V13.  Paul recognized that as long Christ was with him, all things were possible.
  • V19.  God shall supply all your needs according to his riches in glory.

Pastor’s Thoughts:
  • I have no doubt that God will provide all that I need to accomplish the plans he has for me on this earth.
  • I have no doubt God will do signs and wonders to make sure I have what I need to accomplish his will in my life
  • I have no doubt God will bring the victory to bring glory to his name regardless of the circumstances around me.

Focus on what you can control to grow and trust God to Supply
3 Ways to grow with intent. 

  1. Run to the Cross – Sin is dealt with at the cross in prayer.
  2. Put yourself in situations to experience God – Be intentional about being were God is.  (church, etc)
  3. Don’t be afraid to get uncomfortable for God’s Kingdom – Stepping out of your comfort zone is where you will see signs and wonders.

  • Let your faith arise that God will Supply all your needs according to his riches in glory
  • Trust and Obey and see the hand of God intervene on your behalf




