We will Advance Totally Dependent on Jesus - Part 5 - Expect the Supernatural

Main Point:  We will advance, Totally Dependent on Jesus:  Expect the Supernatural.

  • Last Week, we covered how as we Advance, totally dependent on Jesus; God will turn it around.
  • Not only will God turn it around, God will do it with Power.  Supernatural Power.

Peter walked on Water:
Matthew 14:22-33.
  • Why?  Did Peter already know that Jesus was God incarnate?  Did Peter want to test this miracle out to make sure Jesus was God incarnate?
    • Regardless what Peter was thinking?  Outside of the Boat, Peter was totally dependent on Jesus.
    • As long as Peter kept his eyes on Jesus, he was experiencing a supernatural event.
      • Once he looked at the circumstances around him his faith was weakened.

Pastor’s Thoughts:
  • Don’t look at the circumstances around you.  
    • God will turn it around.  
    • And He will do it with supernatural power
    • Once you are dependent on something else for your joy and peace, your faith is weakened.  
    • Let your faith arise, by being totally dependent on Jesus.
  • Keep your eyes on Jesus.  Be totally Dependent on Jesus and you will see God’s Supernatural Power in your circumstance.

The Woman with the Issue of Blood.  Luke 8:43-48.
  • The woman tried everything until she had no other hope but one.  The miracle worker was in town.
    • The woman was totally dependent on Jesus.  Desperation.
  • Jesus was on his way to attend to an urgent situation but he stopped because he perceived great faith.

Pastor’s Thoughts:

  • Reach out to Jesus with great faith, with desperation.  Jesus will stop and answer with supernatural power.
    • Who touch me?  
  • Do not wait until your circumstance is unbearable.  Cry out to Jesus and be totally dependent on His mighty name in all things.
  • Wise is the man who is desperate for Jesus, before calamity falls.

Examples of Supernatural Intervention:

  • Miracle of the grocery bags
  • Miracle of the Food Bank Finance
  • Miracle of the Sign
  • Miracle of the Community Center
  • Miracle of Church Finance
  • Miracle of a Soul Saved by Daniel
  • ? And many more to come.


  • Advance, be totally dependent on Jesus like Peter and the Woman with the issue of blood
    • Expect to see God’s supernatural power in your circumstance
    • God will turn it around and He will do it supernaturally.
    • Be desperate for Jesus to be Lord of your life.  You will see amazing things in God’s perfect timing.

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