Living in Mercy and Grace

Main Point. Right now, at this very moment we are living in mercy and grace. God loves us and God always comes from a place of Love as He distributes mercy and grace to us and our loved ones.
Of these two concepts (mercy and grace), Grace is the easy one to understand. Grace is simple in that it means God gives you something you don’t deserve.
Ephesians 2:8-9: By grace are ye saved through Faith, it is a gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast.
Pastor’s Thoughts:
Pastor’s Thoughts:
Have Mercy on Others:
Luke 6:36-37. Be merciful even as God is merciful.
Micah 6:8. God loves it when you show mercy to others.
Pastor’s Thoughts:
Of these two concepts (mercy and grace), Grace is the easy one to understand. Grace is simple in that it means God gives you something you don’t deserve.
- For example, God’s gift to mankind is eternal life even though we don’t deserve it.
- Also, why we are here on earth God makes us ambassadors/instruments for His Kingdom even though we don’t deserve it.
Ephesians 2:8-9: By grace are ye saved through Faith, it is a gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast.
Pastor’s Thoughts:
- Grace is given to all who receive by Faith. Without exception
- 2 Peter 3:9. It is God's will that all come to repentance
- Let’s be thankful for God’s Grace that is upon us. AMEN!!
- This fact in itself is reason enough to surrender all to the Will of God for our lives.
- Rejoice that your name is written in the lamb’s book of life.
- Mercy is a bit more complicated but yet so important to understand as we grow spiritually.
- Romans 9:18. Mercy is complicated because God decides how much mercy to give to us/mankind.
- Mercy does eventually run out and it is up to God to distribute his mercy as he wills.
Pastor’s Thoughts:
- God always deals with his mercy toward us from a place of Love.
- Romans 8:28: All things work together for good for those who love him.
- God’s will is that no one perish.
Have Mercy on Others:
Luke 6:36-37. Be merciful even as God is merciful.
Micah 6:8. God loves it when you show mercy to others.
Pastor’s Thoughts:
- When you show mercy to others God will surely bless you with abundant mercy.
- You are living in God’s mercy and grace today.
- Have you responded to God’s Mercy and Grace with a total surrender?
- As we learn to understand the immeasurable Love of God toward us, how will we respond?
- Fight for a secret place with God (God wants to be with you alone)
- Fight to praise and worship in song with all your heart.
- Fight to be filled with the Holy Spirit to be empowered to overcome sin and darkness.
- Fight to be the best instrument of God as you can.
- Jesus said, if you love me, keep my commandments.
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