We will Advance Totally Dependent on Jesus - Part 3

Main Point:  In 2024, we will Advance Totally Dependent on Jesus.  Every little thing we can do to advance spiritually for God’s Kingdom is important.

Scriptures on being totally dependent on Jesus:

  • Proverbs 3:5-6.  Trust the Lord with all your heart, not you’re understanding and he will direct your path.
    • If we are not totally dependent on Jesus, our path will not be clear, (no peace, no direction)
  • Proverbs 16:9. We can plan but ultimately God directs our steps.

Pastor’s Thoughts:

  • In 2024 we will advance totally dependent on Jesus
  • If we are carrying strongholds (bags and backpacks, sin), we must be willing to drop them and look to Jesus for all things.
  • I believe that 2024 is a breakthrough year, where the church (you and me), drop everything that we think is important and we become totally dependent on Jesus.  
  • We will Advance

Story of Gideon
  • The supernatural part of the story of Gideon is not that he conquered his enemy with only 300 men.
    • That is supernatural, but it is the events before this that set the foundation for Advancement

Judges 6. The events in Chapter 6 were the foundation of Gideons victory over the Midianites
  • V1-6.  The Midianites were destroying God’s people.
  • V7.  Some Jewish people cried out to the Lord.
  • V8-10.  God responds to the cry from the Israelites
  • V11-14. God chooses Gideon and Gideon ask God for a sign
  • V15. Gideon sees himself as unworthy.
    • (if you see yourself as unworthy to great things for God’s Kingdom, then you are just what God needs)
  • V16.  God confirms to Gideon that He will be with him
  • V17-21.  Gideon again asks for confirmation
  • V22.  Gideon is ready to advance, and be totally dependent on God.
  • V23-27.  Gideon is obedient and knocks down the alters to other Gods and replaces it with an alter to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
  • V28-30.  The people are angry at Gideon because what they were depending on was destroyed.
  • V31-32.  Joash, Gideons father tells the people that if Baal is real, he can defend himself against Gideon.
  • V33.  Midianites gather around the Israelites for war
  • V34-40.  Gideon prepares for war.

Judges 7:18-23.  The victory is won with 300 men.

Pastor’s Thoughts:

  • The supernatural part of the story of Gideon is not that he conquered the enemy with only 300 men.
    • That is supernatural, but it is the events before this that set the foundation for Advancement
      • A cry out to the Lord by the Israelites
      • Someone willing to Advance, totally dependent on God.
      • Get of rid of idols and all darkness that stands against the righteousness of God
      • Wait on the Lord’s timing
      • Advance, totally dependent on God.

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