Holy Spirit Power for His Kingdom

Holy Spirit Power for His Kingdom
Main Point: After the resurrection of Jesus, the Holy Spirit filled the hearts of Christians to empower them to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.
How important is the Holy Spirit in our lives?
It is the power of God in us.
What is the Holy Spirit?
Jesus said the following about the Holy Spirit.
Christians need to intentionally seek to be filled with the Spirit of God as much as possible:
Ephesians 5:15- be filled with the spirit, speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns, making melody in your heart for him, giving thanks always to God.
Pastor’s Thoughts:
Main Point: After the resurrection of Jesus, the Holy Spirit filled the hearts of Christians to empower them to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.
How important is the Holy Spirit in our lives?
It is the power of God in us.
What is the Holy Spirit?
- God’s power in action (Micah 3:8)
- God sends out his Spirit by projecting his Power, presence, and Love to anyone who is willing to receive it in Jesus name.
Jesus said the following about the Holy Spirit.
- John 14.26. God the father sent the Holy Spirit in Jesus name to remind us and guide us to the teachings of Jesus.
- John 15:26. The Holy Spirit will help guide us into truth and bear witness of Jesus. Sent by Jesus by the will of the father.
- John 14:16. Jesus will ask the father and the father will send a helper to be with us forever.
- Luke 11:13. Just like we give good gifts to our children, how much more shall our heavenly father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?
- Acts 1:1-11. Jesus made it clear once again that the disciples were going to receive power to spread the gospel message once the Holy Spirit had come upon them.
- This event was not a one-time event just for the disciples. How do we know? Many of you in this room have experience the Holy Spirit come upon you.
- When you continually experience the presence of God or the Holy Spirit and receive it into your spirit, then the Holy Spirit does the work of transforming you to become more like Jesus.
- This is a process that leads to spiritual maturity.
- If you do not intentionally ask and receive for the Holy Spirit to fill you, you will stay stagnate in your Christian walk.
Christians need to intentionally seek to be filled with the Spirit of God as much as possible:
Ephesians 5:15- be filled with the spirit, speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns, making melody in your heart for him, giving thanks always to God.
- After the resurrection of Jesus and after the disciples were filled and empowered by the Holy Spirit, the disciples were urging people to do the following things
- Be born again
- Be water baptized
- Receive the holy Spirit
- The disciples understood how important it was to be filled with the Holy Spirit. It was the power people needed to defeat darkness around them.
- Consider this: Not even the resurrection of Jesus Christ empowered the disciples. It was the Holy Spirit that empowered them.
- How important is the Holy Spirit in our Christian walk? It is the power of God in our lives.
Pastor’s Thoughts:
- My prayer for this church, is that everyone who walks in these doors can feel the presence and power of God.
- This only happens when the people, the congregation genuinely come to church for true worship, in spirit and in truth.
- If we have that in this church and we continue to grow in our passion to be close to God and to be transformed by the spirit of God, then there is no doubt that the power of God will manifest in this church.
- It doesn’t matter how many people are in this room. If we are true worshippers, then get ready for some awesome powerful, signs and wonders type services.
- Who is in.
- We don’t have to be perfect or sinless. We just have to be willing to be perfected by allowing the Holy Spirit to fill us.
- Jesus is worthy of it all praise and worship.
- Our God understands us.
- God loves us.
- God wants to give us the gift of the Holy Spirit to empower us for His Kingdom
- Do not quench the Holy Spirit. Receive it gladly and be transformed into righteousness
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