Genuine Heart over Style

Main Point:  A Genuine Heart for God produces power to advance the Kingdom of God.  Substance over style.

Foundation Scripture:  1 Corinthians 2:1-5.  A genuine heart produces power to advance God’s Kingdom

A simple message with a genuine heart transforms lives.
  • Billy Graham, one of the greatest evangelist in the 20th century, preached a simple sermon over and over. 
  • He basically said we are all lost and in need of a savior to keep us from eternal hell.  And the savior is Jesus.  Repent and come to him.  
  • This simple message filled stadiums all across the country and all across the world.  
  • Why, Substance (genuine heart) over style.  
  • Billy Graham had plenty of Style, but Billy Graham was real, a man of substance.  

Paul’s genuine message without style (fancy words)

  • See Paul also recognized the importance of Substance over style.  
  • v1-2. I did not come with some great speech, I just came to keep it simple and point you to Jesus.  
  • V4. When a person of substance proclaims the name of Jesus, in the spirit realm, things begin to happen.  There is power in the name of Jesus.

The Old Testament story of substance over style:
Background:  The 1st gloriest temple was destroyed because sin and disobedience.  Basically they had more style than substance.  Now it came time to build the foundation for the 2nd temple.  
  • Now we pick up the story:  Ezra 3:8-13.
  • V12.  As they laid the foundation of the temple and amazing thing happened.  Some people were cheering and praising and other people, who had seen the 1st temple were weeping for sadness.  The group that was sad was sad because second temple was not nearly as magnificent as the first temple.  It’s like when you live in a mansion and then you move to a common house.  

  • Haggai 2:1-9.  God says, don’t worry.  When I show up in all my glory the style (temple size) won’t matter. 
  • As I tell the worship team as often as I can, It doesn’t matter how great you play your instruments are how awesome you sing, if the worship team and the church worshipping are more style than a genuine heart we should just go home.  There is no power in that.  
  • This is also true for the pastor and other leaders.  I could prepare the best sermon ever prepared but if it more style than substance then there is not power in that.
  • v7.  God said he will fill this house with his Glory.  Enough Said.  All we need is for God to show up, and be people of substance, people that are real, intentionally setting things right before the Lord.  When this occurs, power changes lives.

Don’t despise what appears to be small things:  Zechariah 4:9-10


  • A genuine heart for God produces power to advance the Kingdom of God.
  • A genuine heart for God will see God’s supernatural hand intervene for them.

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