Advance Totally Dependent on Jesus

Main Point: When God’s people surrender to the will of God and become totally dependent on Him, they will advance into their Kingdom destiny that brings joy and peace and purpose.
Pastor’s Thoughts.
Daniel was totally dependent on God.
Daniel 6:10-28. In this story, Daniel was totally dependent on God to deliver him and because his faith did not waiver during hard circumstances, Daniel saw the hand of God move on his behalf.
V26. The King announces that Daniel’s God will be respected in His Kingdom.
V27. The King declares that Daniel’s God works signs and wonders for His People
Why do God’s people advance into their Destiny with joy and peace? Because God has promised it.
Romans 15:13: "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope".
We were created to do the work of God’s Kingdom
Ephesians 2:10.
Jesus told the disciples to advance totally dependent on him by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Mark 16:15-18. Advance the Kingdom by preaching the gospel and signs and wonder will follow the believers.
Pastor’s Thoughts.
- When we advance into your own desires. We will find emptiness and loneliness.
- Because we were created to praise and worship God not this world.
- People who have money and all that this world has to offer will still end up empty without God.
- But God’s people who love and serve Jesus will advance into their Kingdom destiny and will find joy and peace for all eternity.
Daniel was totally dependent on God.
Daniel 6:10-28. In this story, Daniel was totally dependent on God to deliver him and because his faith did not waiver during hard circumstances, Daniel saw the hand of God move on his behalf.
- This is God’s character and it is true for all who call on the name of the Lord.
- If our faith only grows stronger and we do not waiver during hard circumstances, then the hand of God will move on your behalf.
- And as we advance, joy and peace will be with us.
V26. The King announces that Daniel’s God will be respected in His Kingdom.
V27. The King declares that Daniel’s God works signs and wonders for His People
Why do God’s people advance into their Destiny with joy and peace? Because God has promised it.
Romans 15:13: "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope".
- This verse promises that God will fill us with joy, peace, and hope that will increase regardless of our circumstances
We were created to do the work of God’s Kingdom
Ephesians 2:10.
- Outside of God’s Kingdom work, you will not find joy and peace.
- You can’t change what God has created you to be.
- Surrender to it and God will change the desires of your heart.
Jesus told the disciples to advance totally dependent on him by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Mark 16:15-18. Advance the Kingdom by preaching the gospel and signs and wonder will follow the believers.
- How did the disciples do?
- Throughout the years, those Christians who have been totally dependent on Jesus have advanced the Kingdom
- That’s why we are here today because people surrendered all for God’s Kingdom
- How are we doing to advance totally dependent on Jesus?
- We must make Christ the cornerstone of all that we are.
- Then we will advance with peace and joy.
- Then we will see the supernatural hand of God intercede on our behalf.
- We must make Christ the cornerstone of all that we are.
- Jesus must be our cornerstone
- We must be totally dependent on Jesus
- We will advance with joy and peace
- We will see the supernatural hand of God move on our behalf.