The Action of Love

Main Point:  Jesus loves the church.  The church belongs to Jesus.  A church that loves Jesus keeps his commandments.

Foundation Scriptures:
John 14:15-27.  If you love me keep my commandments
John 21:16. If you love me feed my sheep
John 14:5-7. If you know me you know the father

Today we will focus on ‘if you love me keep my commandments’

Before we go any further, let me add here:  The devil is a deceiver and a liar.
  • The enemy uses scripture to deceive.  Be wise, half-truths is a form of deception.
    • example (Satan used scripture to try to deceive Jesus)
  • So, if we don’t keep his commandment after we are saved those it mean we don’t love him?
    • Can’t just read a scripture and make it doctrine.  Be wise
  • I have learned over the years to read scripture and take a step back and compare it to God’s character
    • God’s character is Love
    • God’s character is mercy and grace.
    • God’s character is that it his will that no one perish
    • God’s character is Holy
    • God’s character is Justice
    • God’s character is Humility

Pastor’s Thoughts:
  • As Christians, we need to fight to keep his commandments (go and sin no more.  Etc…)
  • It is also true that our carnal sinful nature is part of our lives and we must fight to subdue it so our righteous spirit nature is empowered to overcome sin.
  • Jesus said if you know me, you know the father.

If you love me keep my commandments
  • So what does it mean, if you love keep my commandments.  
    • It means if you love me, subdue your sinful carnal nature and draw nigh to me and I will draw nigh to you. 
    • It doesn’t mean every time you fail you don’t love Jesus, it means every time you fail you run to Jesus.
    • It means when you fail it hurts you to hurt God.
    • This time it’s different.
  • When you are on this journey subduing your carnal sinful nature by the power of the Holy Spirit in your life, and your righteous spirit nature is dominate, that is where you will encounter true peace, love and joy that many Christians are missing.

The action of Love is this.
  • It is not that you are perfect following all the rules.  (Nobody is perfect).  
  • It is that you are doing whatever it takes (closet time, worship time, prayer time, and obedience) to subdue your carnal sinful nature by allowing the Holy Spirit to empower you.

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