King Jesus Will Be Praised in 2023 - Part 2

Main Point: In 2023, focus on Praising King Jesus and you will unleash the presence of God around you and draw closer to God.
Spirit is willing but the Flesh is weak:
Matthew 26:40. Disciples were in the flesh and could not see the urgency of the moment.
Pastor’s Thoughts:
10 benefits of praise and worship. When we focus on Praising King Jesus in 2023 with a true heart, not in repetition but with true passion, we will see the fruit in these 10 ways:
Pastor’s Thoughts:
Spirit is willing but the Flesh is weak:
Matthew 26:40. Disciples were in the flesh and could not see the urgency of the moment.
Pastor’s Thoughts:
- Once the disciples were not in the flesh but were being led by the Spirit of God they could see the urgency of the moment. So much so, they were willing to die for the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
- Do you see the urgency of the moment (We need a move of God. We need God’s presence to overwhelm the land)
- It begins with each one of us individually, dying to our flesh, asking God to open our spiritual eyes, and begin to take action.
- In 2023, the action HCC is taking is to praise Jesus with all our heart. To praise Jesus with passion and love.
10 benefits of praise and worship. When we focus on Praising King Jesus in 2023 with a true heart, not in repetition but with true passion, we will see the fruit in these 10 ways:
- Invites the presence of God (2 Chronicles 5:11-14)
- Brings us closer to God (James 4:8)
- Draws Men to God (John 12:32)
- Brings Joy (Psalm 100:4)
- Brings Victory (2 Chronicles 20:15-20)
- Brings Deliverance (Psalm 18:3)
- Satisfies the Soul (Psalm 63:1-5)
- Repels Depression (Isaiah 61:3)
- Brings Liberty (Acts 16:25-26)
- Strengthens our Faith (Romans 4:20)
Pastor’s Thoughts:
- I don’t want to be a person or a church that is satisfied with ordinary. I want to see the hand of God leading and guiding us into His perfect will.
- Because in His perfect will, there is true joy, peace, signs and wonders, salvations, deliverances.
- We don’t believe in a powerless Gospel
- We believe that God will supernaturally lead us and guide us into His glorious plan.
- In 2023, it begins with this: At HCC King Jesus will be praised.
- Jesus gave it all. Let’s praise Him with all we have. King Jesus will be praised in 2023.
- Let’s invite the presence of the Lord today and each week with true praise.
- The more we are in his presence the more we will desire a close relationship with God
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