Pursue Jesus - Part 2 - Jesus Has all the Power
Main Point: Pursue Jesus who has all dominion and power and is our defender. Be totally dependent on Jesus and pursue him in all things.
Foundation Scripture: Acts 19:1-19.
All Power is given to Jesus:
Matthew 28:18-20. All power is given to Jesus.
The Holy Trinity:
We have Authority and Power in the name of Jesus.
Foundation Scripture: Acts 19:1-19.
- Jesus will defend His Church.
- Jesus always has and always will stand behind his words in Matthew 16:18. “The gates of hell will not prevail against the church.”
- This scripture was not about Peter (Peter was an instrument like you and me), it was about the church. We will be victorious.
- Jesus has all power to intervene for His Church.
- Jesus loves you and will intervene for you.
All Power is given to Jesus:
Matthew 28:18-20. All power is given to Jesus.
- Nothing is hopeless because All Power is given to the name of Jesus.
- If you have breath to cry out unto Jesus. You have hope. Jesus has all power.
- You don’t breakthrough the strongholds and sin of this world and then pursue Jesus.
- You pursue Jesus and then encounter a breakthrough from strongholds.
- Do not look for a breakthrough outside of Jesus.
- It is the name of Jesus, and only the name of Jesus that has the power for your breakthrough.
- Matthew 28:18-20. All power has been given to Jesus because of giving up his sinless life that we may be sinless before God the Father.
- All else, outside the name of Jesus is a counterfeit power.
The Holy Trinity:
- Jesus is the Messiah and sits at the right hand of our heavenly father interceding on our behalf for breakthrough by the power of the Holy Spirit
- The Holy Trinity (3 in 1, God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit)
- God the Father is our heavenly father (God is the I AM)
- Jesus, the Son of God was sent to earth to represent the love, and the will of God the Father, to the World.
- So, if you want to know God and all His Glory you find it in the name of Jesus.
- The Holy Spirit – John 14:15-26. The Holy Spirit was sent by the father, by the request of Jesus so we would see and know Jesus forever and that we will be led into all truth.
- The Holy Trinity (3 in 1, God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit)
We have Authority and Power in the name of Jesus.
- Just as Jesus has all authority and Power because Jesus and the Father are one.
- So do we have authority and power in Jesus’ name because we are also one with Jesus.
- From Sinner to empowered child of God. That is the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
- Not only does God the Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit have all power but all who are blameless before God because we are covered in the precious blood of
- Jesus have authority and power.
- 2 Corinthians 10:3-6. Our weapons are not carnal. Our weapons have power to demolish strongholds.
- Pursue Jesus who has all Power
- Pursue Jesus who has all dominion and power and is our defender. Be totally dependent on Jesus and pursue him in all things.
- Be set free from strongholds in the name of Jesus
- Be set free from Sin in the name of Jesus
- Be set free from generational strongholds in the name of Jesus.
- Declare your authority and power we have in the name of Jesus.
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