Totally Dependent on Jesus

Main Point:  Be passionate about being totally dependent on Jesus regardless of the circumstances around you.

Jesus brings rest.
  • When circumstances are out of your control and you need help, those who knowChrist know where to turn.  
    • Matthew 11:25-30.
      • There is rest in the name of Jesus.  Call upon the name of Jesus.

Be Totally Dependent on Jesus in the good and hard circumstances of your life:
  • Daniel 3:14-18.  The 3 Hebrew boys were totally dependent on Jesus
  • 2 Samuel 10:17-19.  David experienced victory after victory in the battle field knowing God was with him.
    • When all was going well for King David, he slowly began to depend on his own abilities and understanding
      • This led to the sin with Bathsheba
  • David put Bathsheba’s husband in the line of fire putting him at risk to be killed.
    • David did this for selfish reasons but convinced himself it was justified.

Once confronted of his sin, King David repents:
Psalm 51:10-12.  David cries out to God to renew a right spirit within him.

Pastor’s Thoughts:
  • At the beginning of 2024, our theme at HCC was simply this:  In 2024 we will Advance totally dependent on Jesus.
  • As 2024 has proceeded this concept has been a challenge for me personally.
    • Personally, I have been searching my heart and asking myself this question
      • In this moment, I’m I totally dependent on Jesus?
        • The honest answer is sometimes yes and sometimes no.
  • I have found that it easier to be totally dependent on Jesus when I’m desperate for God to supernaturally intervene.
  • But what I’m learning as well, is to hear from God when things are not terrible.
    • Having a secret place with God consistently in the good times and bad does help to be totally dependent on Jesus in all circumstances.

  • Are we totally dependent on Jesus in all circumstances
  • Holy Spirit teach us to be totally dependent on Jesus.



