Your Steps Ordered By God - Part 1

Main Point:  God loves you and for all who have a heart for God your steps are ordered by God in the good times and bad.

Foundation Scripture: 
Psalms 27:23-24.  
  • God sees the heart
  • Your steps are ordered by God
    • In the good times and bad.

Pastor Thoughts:
  • God Knows You
  • God wants the best for you
  • God knows what is best for you.  He designed you.
  • All things that come from God are designed for your good.
    • Even the things you don’t understand
    • Romans 8:28.  ALL THINGS work together for good.
    • Trust God in all things.

Personal Testimony about God ordering steps of the righteous
  • Isaiah 55:8-9.  God’s ways are higher than our ways.  

Camp Testimonies.
Youth Leaders Testimonies about Camp.



