Check your Heart
Main Point: Check your heart with humility. Make sure you are walking in the power of the Holy Spirit which leads and guides you into all truth.
Foundation Scripture: Exodus 20:1-3. Thou shalt have no others God’s before me.
Pastor’s Thoughts:
Paul describes the battle of two natures:
Romans 7:22-25. Our Spirit delights in the law of God but our sinful nature delights in sin.
Defeating sin in our lives comes from walking in the Spirit.
Paul makes a distinction between salvation and walking in the power of the spirit.
Who has the power of the Holy Spirit?
How do I ensure I have the power of the Holy Spirit guiding my life (walking in the Spirit)?
Foundation Scripture: Exodus 20:1-3. Thou shalt have no others God’s before me.
Pastor’s Thoughts:
- Our carnal sinful nature does not want God of all creation to be our one true God.
- That is why we need to repent and have faith in Jesus as our Lord and Savior.
- Once we are saved through faith in Jesus Christ, our Spirit goes from death to life
- When our spirit becomes alive we do not permanently remove of sinful carnal nature
- But our sinful carnal nature no longer rules how we live.
Paul describes the battle of two natures:
Romans 7:22-25. Our Spirit delights in the law of God but our sinful nature delights in sin.
- This battle does not mean we are slaves to sin, rather that we are divided by our own competing desires.
- Let the Spirit of God arise within you and your sinful nature will grow dim. Check your heart.
Defeating sin in our lives comes from walking in the Spirit.
- Galatians 5:16. Walk in the spirit and you will not fulfill the desires of the flesh.
- Walking in the spirit means “living a life guided by the Holy Spirit”.
- In the most basic sense, to walk in the Spirit means to live a life that depends on the Spirit's power to (1) grow in godliness, (2) obey God's commands, and (3) experience increasing intimacy with God.
Paul makes a distinction between salvation and walking in the power of the spirit.
- Acts 19:1-8. Paul described two important moments in a Christians journey. 1. Repenting and believing in Jesus as redeemer and Savior. 2. Receiving the Holy Ghost which comes during or after salvation.
Who has the power of the Holy Spirit?
- All Christians have access to the power of the Holy Spirit so you can walk in the spirit and overcome sin and darkness in your life.
- Not all Christians are accessing the Power of the Holy Spirit that is available to them. Check your heart.
- In order to walk in the Spirit you must have supernatural power to live according to God’s word. The supernatural power comes from being filled by the Holy Spirit (walking In the Spirit). Check your heart.
How do I ensure I have the power of the Holy Spirit guiding my life (walking in the Spirit)?
- Matthew 7:7-8. Those who seek will fine.
- Hebrews 11:6. God will reward those who seek him.
- Check your heart with humility.
- Make sure you are walking in the power of the Holy Spirit which leads and guides you into all truth.
- Seek and you will find