Know God - Part 2

Main Point: Know God and experience the peace and joy and deliverance through any storm.
2 Peter 3:9. It is God’s will that no one should perish. God wants to know you personally.
Matthew 18:11-13. God will pursue you because He loves you. If you are the one that has gone astray always know that God will not stop pursuing you. He loves you.
Pastor’s Thoughts:
God desires to be close to us:
Psalm 148:18. God is near to all who call on the name of the Lord in ‘truth’.
Pastor’s Thoughts:
Joseph Knew God regardless of his circumstances:
Genesis 37: 25-28. Out of jealousy Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery.
Genesis 41: 38-44. Joseph Knew God and no matter the circumstance he had joy and peace. Then the impossible happened the slave became ruler of all of Egypt only answering to Pharaoh.
Genesis 45: 1-8
Pastor’s Thoughts:
2 Peter 3:9. It is God’s will that no one should perish. God wants to know you personally.
Matthew 18:11-13. God will pursue you because He loves you. If you are the one that has gone astray always know that God will not stop pursuing you. He loves you.
Pastor’s Thoughts:
- The creator of Earth, the Stars and the Universe pursues us because He loves us.
- He pursues us by sending people our way to encourage us.
- A praying mother or grandmother (one of the most powerful things in this world is praying mom/grandma
- He pursues us by his spirit tugging and convicting our heart that we need to change.
- It is God’s desire to be close to us. It is God’s desire that we know Him personally and intimately.
God desires to be close to us:
Psalm 148:18. God is near to all who call on the name of the Lord in ‘truth’.
- In ‘truth’ means ‘when you seek God ready to surrender’.
- If you come to God with a heart ready to surrender your life (which means willing to put him first place in your heart), you will be on the journey to know God. And from personal experience, it is the most amazing journey in all the world.
- It is the treasure of all treasures. It is peace and joy regardless of life circumstances.
- It is time for Christians all over the world to not just know of a God but to truly intimately know God.
Pastor’s Thoughts:
- Once we get this and we are determined to Know God, then life makes sense.
- Then no matter what trial hits you, or no matter what difficult things happen to you in life; you can still have joy and peace through the storm because when you know God personally and intimately you know God is good and God will bring victory out of any circumstance in your life (like the story of Joseph)
Joseph Knew God regardless of his circumstances:
Genesis 37: 25-28. Out of jealousy Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery.
- The world says that Joseph had every right to be bitter. Maybe you think you have every right to be bitter.
- When life brings difficult times you have two choices. 1. Grow bitter about your circumstances or 2. Draw as close to God as possible and have joy and peace through your journey. You will see the blessings of God in the end.
Genesis 41: 38-44. Joseph Knew God and no matter the circumstance he had joy and peace. Then the impossible happened the slave became ruler of all of Egypt only answering to Pharaoh.
- This story is not only for Joseph and it is for each and everyone one of us.
- If we draw close to God (even in the storms of life), if we know God and his goodness we will also be slaves to sin who will one day rule and reign with God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Genesis 45: 1-8
- V5. Because Joseph Knew God. He saw beyond the circumstances and saw God in all of it. Even his hard times in slavery and in prison. He saw God was in it.
- Do you see that God is in it? Do you see that no matter what your circumstances, if God is with you; you will end up saving your brother (others)?
- Do not blame those who have offended you. Just grow close to God; know God; and see God bring victory, joy, and deliverance to those around you.
- Don’t blame God for your circumstances. Instead wrap your arms around God. And he will wrap His arms around you.
Pastor’s Thoughts:
- Joseph was the best prisoner he could be because He Knew God.
- When you Know God, it doesn’t matter what situation you are in, you make the best of it and you trust God. Because you Know God.
- And the God we know turns water into wine.
- The God we know turns sorrow into dancing.
- The God we know brings water out of a rock.
- The God we know brings to life what seems dead.
- The God we know breathes into the dry bones and they walk.
- Do you know this God? The God of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob. The God that sent His only Son to die for our sins and conquer sin and death. Praise the name of King Jesus.
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