Taking Spiritual Ground - Part 4 - Destiny: Free Will
Recap series: Taking Spiritual Ground
Main Point: In 2022, take spiritual ground for God’s Kingdom. Jesus is the light of the world, so darkness must yield to the name of Jesus. We have a free will choice to walk in Destiny for God’s Kingdom
Two Points:
Why should we take spiritual ground for God’s Kingdom? Because we Love Jesus.
Can we take spiritual ground for God’s Kingdom? It is our destiny.
Pastor’s thoughts:
Story of Jonah:
Pastor’s Thoughts:
- For such a time as this. A phrase of Destiny.
- Do not be distracted. We are people of Destiny regardless of circumstances.
- We have a free will choice to walk in Destiny for God’s Kingdom.
Main Point: In 2022, take spiritual ground for God’s Kingdom. Jesus is the light of the world, so darkness must yield to the name of Jesus. We have a free will choice to walk in Destiny for God’s Kingdom
Two Points:
Why should we take spiritual ground for God’s Kingdom? Because we Love Jesus.
Can we take spiritual ground for God’s Kingdom? It is our destiny.
Pastor’s thoughts:
- Put yourself in a position to walk in Destiny: You have a free will choice.
- Peter 2:8-9. If you accept Jesus as Lord of your life, then you have put yourself in a position of destiny. You are destined for eternal life. You are not destined for death and hell.
Story of Jonah:
- Jonah 1:1-17. Nineveh needed spiritual awakening. The city was in darkness but God destined Jonah to be the instrument that would take spiritual ground for God’s Kingdom.
- Jonah 3:1-10. Nineveh repents and God gave mercy to Nineveh.
Pastor’s Thoughts:
- Jonah had a calling, a destiny to accomplish certain things for God’s Kingdom. (like we do)
- Jonah had a free will to obey or disobey. Jonah disobeyed and suffered the consequences.
- Jonah then obeyed after realizing disobedience leads to bad consequences.
- The result of Jonah’s obedience was that darkness in Nineveh was replaced by righteousness (repentance). Spiritual ground was taken.
- If you make bad choices, if you disobey God’s leading in your life, then the destiny God has planned for you will either never come to pass (because you have a free will), or will come to pass later after consequences (like Jonah).
Posted in Taking Spiritual Ground
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