Taking Spiritual Ground - Part 7 - Don't Play it Safe: Take Courage
Main Point: In 2022, take spiritual ground for God’s Kingdom. Don’t play it safe: Take Courage and don’t shy away from confronting difficult challenges for God’s Kingdom. Step out of your comfort zone.
Recap series: Taking Spiritual Ground
Definition of Courage: Strength in the face of a difficult challenge
Story of Moses
Exodus 3:1-13. God speaks to Moses about his destiny to free his people from bondage.
Exodus 4:1-18. Moses doubts his destiny and respond by making excuses.
Pastor’s Thoughts
Jesus tells the disciples to pray for laborer
Matthew 9:35-38. Jesus sees that the harvest is plentiful and he also sees the need to pray for the more laborers.
Pastor’s Thoughts:
Recap series: Taking Spiritual Ground
- For such a time as this. A phrase of Destiny.
- Do not be distracted. We are people of Destiny regardless of circumstances.
- We have a free will choice to walk in Destiny for God’s Kingdom.
- Don’t ‘play it’ safe pt1. Use your Talents/Gifts and abilities for impact on others
- Don’t play it safe pt2. Obedience to God’s word unlocks blessings as you take spiritual ground.
- Prayer. The foundation for taking spiritual ground
- Don’t play it safe pt3. Take Courage. Take a step into courage, God will confirm he is with you.
Definition of Courage: Strength in the face of a difficult challenge
Story of Moses
Exodus 3:1-13. God speaks to Moses about his destiny to free his people from bondage.
Exodus 4:1-18. Moses doubts his destiny and respond by making excuses.
- At first Moses lacked courage to face a difficult challenge but he eventually took the first courage’s step by going back to Egypt to face God’s people and Pharaoh.
Pastor’s Thoughts
- When God first begins to call us out into our destiny for his Kingdom, at first we resist or shy away.
- Then we take a baby step into courage which results in confirmation that God is with us.
- Then with this confirmation we take another step of courage which results in another bigger confirmation that God is with us.
- Then we take another step of courage and next thing we know we are in front of the red see (figuratively) and God supernaturally parts the waters and what you thought was impossible becomes possible by the supernatural hand of God.
Jesus tells the disciples to pray for laborer
Matthew 9:35-38. Jesus sees that the harvest is plentiful and he also sees the need to pray for the more laborers.
Pastor’s Thoughts:
- Who are the laborers? We are. If not us then who. We are the light and the salt of the Earth.
- It takes courage to take that first step and begin to do things for God’s Kingdom that are out of your comfort zone.
- It is when we take courage that we begin to see the hand of God move in our circumstances.
- It is when we take courage that we begin to see signs and wonders, deliverances, healings, salvations, etc…
Posted in Taking Spiritual Ground
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