The Truth

Main Point: The truth which is in Jesus, will set you free. Free from darkness, sin, and the emptiness in this world. The world is looking for truth and they will only find it in Jesus.
Scriptures on Truth
Grace is unmerited favor. We do not deserve to be sons of daughters of God but because of God’s love we receive grace and truth through Jesus Christ.
Pastor’s Thoughts:
This is the only truth.
The world is looking for truth. The world will never find truth until they find Jesus because Jesus is truth.
Hebrews 11:24-25. The pleasures of sin are fleeting and for a short season.
Pastor’s Thoughts:
Those seeking fulfillment and truth outside of Jesus, will find temporary fulfillment but it will fade. But when we find Jesus and live for him, then our peace and joy and fulfillment will be eternal, even through difficult times in this life.
This is what the world is trying:
Scriptures on Truth
- John 8:31-32: The truth will set you free.
- John 1:14. The word of God became flesh in the person of Jesus Christ who brings grace and truth
- John 1:17. Moses brought the law to mankind. Jesus brings grace and truth to mankind.
Grace is unmerited favor. We do not deserve to be sons of daughters of God but because of God’s love we receive grace and truth through Jesus Christ.
Pastor’s Thoughts:
This is the only truth.
- God created all things
- God created men and women with a living soul
- Jesus died and rose from the dead to bridge the gap between our sin and the righteousness of God
- Those who accept Jesus as savior and Lord will have eternal life in the Kingdom of God.
- Jesus will come again for all to see the only truth.
The world is looking for truth. The world will never find truth until they find Jesus because Jesus is truth.
Hebrews 11:24-25. The pleasures of sin are fleeting and for a short season.
Pastor’s Thoughts:
Those seeking fulfillment and truth outside of Jesus, will find temporary fulfillment but it will fade. But when we find Jesus and live for him, then our peace and joy and fulfillment will be eternal, even through difficult times in this life.
This is what the world is trying:
- To find fulfillment in relationships and intimacy. Without Jesus this is temporary.
- To find fulfillment in drugs. Without Jesus this is temporary.
- To find fulfillment in un-natural identity. Without Jesus this is temporary.
- To find fulfillment in money. Without Jesus this is temporary.
- To find fulfillment in fame. Without Jesus this is temporary.
- To find fulfillment in being accepted by others. Without Jesus this is temporary.
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