Know the Shepherd Personally

Main Point:  Fight to know God personally.  When we hear his voice we will be led into God’s perfect will for our lives.

The Good Shepherd:
John 10:1-5.  Jesus is the good shepherd who knows his sheep and whose sheep know him.

Then enemy’s plan:
John 10: 6-11.  
  • The enemy comes to kill, steal and destroy. 
  • Jesus comes to give us life abundantly.

Lukewarm life for God is a trap of the enemy:

Revelations 3:14-22.  Lukewarm is not a Christian life of victory.  It is a trap of the enemy to steal, kill, and destroy.

Sacrifice is required to follow Jesus:
Luke 9:18-27.  Jesus is the Messiah and following him requires sacrifice.

Pastor’s Thoughts:
  • Do whatever it takes (Fight) to know Jesus Personally (Read more, Pray more, Worship more, love more and serve more……)
  • Knowing Jesus will require sacrifice, do not be afraid the blessings are unmeasurable.
  • The enemy will press/frustrate you along your Christian journey.  Recognize it and rebuke it, in Jesus name.
  • Do not excuse sin, repent and ask God to empower you to overcome sin.
  • When you know Jesus personally you will hear his voice like a sheep that knows the shepherd's voice.
  • When we hear his voice we will be led into God’s perfect will for our lives.
  • Don’t’ be afraid to surrender all to the Good Shepherd

  • We are in a time in this world when it will become more and more evident who personally knows Jesus and who is playing the Lukewarm game
  • It is time to go all in with Jesus.
  • Jesus is the only way to eternal peace and joy and fulfillment.
    • The world has temporary solutions, in sin, but ultimately sin will destroy you
    • Jesus has an eternal solution, in his salvation, that will ultimately save you for eternity

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